Gratitude # 1
“A blind man will not see the world, no matter how brightly the sun shines. In the same way An ungrateful person will not see gratitude no matter how much help and compassion is received from the benefactor
Humility # 2
We need to associate those who can point out our delusions on a regular basis. Such friends could help us to assess what we do and show our weaknesses
Contentment # 1
Contentment means “happiness with oneself and one’s possessions.” More precisely, it means becoming satisfied with what you have
Non-Recklessness in the Dhamma # 1
Non-recklessness means: being in control of oneself the whole time, no matter whether one is thinking. Speaking or acting
Restrain from Drinking and Consuming Intoxicants
Intoxicants: In general this means allowing alcohol and drugs being absorbed into the body through drinking, inhaling, insertion, spraying, smoking, and injection
The Noble Truth of the Path to the Cessation of Suffering # 4
Thee Noble Eightfold Path arises at All Levels of Advancement The Noble Eightfold Path can be found at all levels of advancement
The Noble Truth of the Path to the Cessation of Suffering # 2
The mindfulness of the feeling in the feeling is to see and consider the feelings [vedana] both inside and outside, the whole of the time
Respect # 2
Respecting the Sangha means becoming aware of the goodness in the Sangha who have trained themselves well and prolong the life of Buddhism. One may pay respect by
Blameless work # 2
Unfortunately, working this way is not in favor with most young people because they are impatient
Fight to save Buddhism
A true fighter becomes a true monk! This monk unveiled why he fights to save Buddhism. The true Buddhists don't miss!!